WHEREAS, air quality is essential to the health, safety and quality of life for North Carolinians; and

WHEREAS, air quality continues to improve in North Carolina, with all areas measuring in compliance with all federal health-based air quality standards for more than 2,800 consecutive days and counting; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) actively monitors ozone, particulate matter, and other air quality measures and works with businesses, local governments, and residents to ensure clean air; and

WHEREAS, NCDEQ provides daily county-level air quality forecasts in the online Air Quality Portal and through local media to help residents make informed choices about their outdoor activities; and

WHEREAS, young children and older adults are at higher risk of experiencing health-related problems from breathing ground-level ozone and particle pollution; and

WHEREAS, since 2001, toxic air emissions in our state have decreased by more than 114.5 million pounds; and

WHEREAS, outdoor visibility, important to our environment and tourism economy, has improved since 2000, with visibility on our haziest days improving 30-37 miles; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina continues to make progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change as directed in Executive Order 80, Executive Order 246, and Executive Order 271; and

WHEREAS, State efforts, including the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Clean Transportation Plan and actions outlined in Executive Order 271, will lead to further emission reductions from motor vehicles, which are the leading sources of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in our state; and

WHEREAS, NCDEQ and the United States Environmental Protection Agency support education and outreach efforts to encourage all residents to access and understand the Air Quality Index as a tool to protect their health and take positive actions in their daily lives to help improve air quality in their community; and

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is committed to continued efforts to protect our air and improve air quality for North Carolinians, and to help them understand why clean air is important to the quality of life in our state;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 1 – 5, 2023, as “AIR QUALITY AWARENESS WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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