Request a Letter

The Office of Governor Stein can provide letters of recognition for special events and occasions held in the state of North Carolina. Please note that due to the volume of requests the Governor’s Office receives, we are unable to process letters honoring people who do not reside in North Carolina.

We currently require that all requests for letters must be received at least 120 days before the event date. Thank you for your understanding.

Requests for greetings are not renewed annually and must be made each year. Background information and event details must be provided for letters intended for welcome or greeting, and for letters congratulating a group, organization, or company on an event or achievement. The Governor’s Office reserves the right to approve or decline any request and to edit any drafted material for final wording. The issuance of a letter does not indicate or imply an endorsement from Governor Stein or the Governor’s Office.

Please complete the Letter Request Form, including a working telephone number where you can be reached for possible questions or clarification regarding the information you have provided.

Types of letters that can be requested:

  • Birthday (for individuals turning 80 or older)
  • Church/Organization Anniversary
  • Eagle Scout/Gold Award
  • Family Reunion
  • High School Reunion
  • Wedding Anniversary (for 25 years or more)
  • Welcome Message (for conferences, meetings, banquets, etc.)

All requests for the Governor to attend an event must be submitted as a Scheduling Request. Please do not include inquiries regarding scheduling in your letter request.

To follow up on a request for a letter, you can reach us at 919-814-2000 or via email at

Complete the Letter Request Form

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