Governor’s Page Program

Page Program Description

Founded in 1973, the Governor’s Page Program gives North Carolina high school students the opportunity for hands-on participation in state government. Hosted by VolunteerNC in Raleigh, pages will grow in four areas: history, civics, service, and professional development.


Eligible participants are high school students or recent high school graduates in good academic standing.

How to apply

  • Complete the online application.
  • Send the online recommendation form to two individuals.
    • A non-relative school staff or faculty member (unless homeschooled)
    • A non-relative adult who can speak to your suitability for the program

*Applications are considered incomplete and will not be processed without the two recommendations.


During the page week activities may include the following:

  • Develop a policy proposal with policy officials from various state government departments
  • Learn from government officials about state government
  • Plan their service project
  • Complete tasks for State Government Departments
  • Tour government buildings and historic sites

Service Project

Governor's pages must complete a service project and will spend part of their page week planning a service project that reflects the goals and values of VolunteerNC. The purpose of the project is to engage youth in service and demonstrate the direct effects it can have on North Carolina communities.


A page week is four days. Typically, a page week runs Monday (1-4 pm) and Tuesday to Thursday (9 am-4 pm). The work location is the Albemarle building at 325 N Salisbury St Raleigh, NC.

Dress Code

Pages are expected to dress in business attire. Pages should wear comfortable shoes as the program requires walking.


Pages will receive a stipend of $200.00 per week to offset the costs of expenses incurred due to travel and/or lodging.


Once accepted to the program, it is the responsibility of the page and their guardians to make arrangements for accommodations, including meals and parking, prior to coming to Raleigh.

See the 2024 Page Program Flyer