WHEREAS, Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that affects more than 180,000 adults in North Carolina age 65 and older, projected to rise to 210,000 by 2025, an increase of 17 percent; and

WHEREAS, more than five million people and their families in the United States were living with the disease in 2020, a number that is expected to triple by the year 2050; and

WHEREAS, Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive degenerative disease with the most common form being dementia, causes deterioration of memory and thinking, erosion of judgment and reasoning abilities, and affects behaviors, emotions, and the ability to care for oneself; and

WHEREAS, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death for American adults and the only cause in the top six that has no prevention, treatment, or cure; and

WHEREAS, the people of North Carolina can support individuals, families, friends, and caregivers who are dealing with Alzheimer’s disease by promoting research to find a cause and cure, and by advocating for educational programs and support services in our communities; and

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina joins interested agencies and organizations in commemorating those who have passed and in honoring those living with Alzheimer’s disease, as well as their dedicated caregivers, at the Annual Candlelight Reflections during the month of November, and throughout the year;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim November, 2022, as “ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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