WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina seeks to protect and improve the health of all North Carolinians by preventing disease, promoting good health, and assuring access to quality health care; and 

WHEREAS, the discovery and subsequent use of antibiotics revolutionized medical care and public health by significantly reducing illness and death from infectious diseases; and 

WHEREAS, antibiotics, when used appropriately, remain an invaluable resource for protecting the public’s health; and 

WHEREAS, antibiotic resistance has become one of the key threats to health in the United States, threatening the ability of healthcare providers to fight infectious diseases; and 

WHEREAS, appropriate use of antibiotics is the primary solution to address the threat of antibiotic resistance; and 

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is working to enhance public and healthcare professional awareness regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics; and 

WHEREAS, education about appropriate antibiotic use, and changed attitudes and behaviors of healthcare workers and the general public alike, will contribute to appropriate antibiotic prescribing and use; and 

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has launched a statewide antibiotic stewardship initiative, Stewardship of Antibiotic Resources (STAR) Partners to encourage the development of antibiotic stewardship programs in hospitals throughout the state;  

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim November 18 – 24, 2022, as “ANTIBIOTIC AWARENESS WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens. 

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