WHEREAS, Careers in Construction Month is an annual month designated to increase public awareness and appreciation of construction craft professionals and the entire construction workforce; and

WHEREAS, during this month, employers, associations, and schools are encouraged to conduct job fairs, panel discussions, and local community events to inform students of the vast employment opportunities in construction; and

WHEREAS, the construction industry is one of our nation’s largest industries, employing more than 5 million individuals in the United States; the construction industry needs 1.9 million new craft professionals by 2025; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina is pleased to honor the construction craft professional and the critical role they play in the development of our communities; and

WHEREAS, it is imperative that we continue to narrow the skills gap and enhance the construction industry by guiding more North Carolinians, including youth and displaced workers, into opportunities that lead to long-term rewarding careers in construction; and

WHEREAS, career exploration tools, like NCcareers.org, and work-based learning experiences, like internships, pre-apprenticeships, and apprenticeships, allow individuals to better understand the career pathways in construction; and

WHEREAS, the goal of Careers in Construction Month is to elevate the image of the construction industry and promote lifelong careers in construction by increasing awareness of the many possible career paths that lead individuals to become craft professionals;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October, 2023, as “CAREERS IN CONSTRUCTION MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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