WHEREAS, energy is a fundamental part of our everyday lives, supporting the most basic daily tasks such as feeding our families, commuting to work, and cooling our homes, and;

WHEREAS, energy enriches many of the fun things in life – lights at the baseball field, air conditioning at the theater, rides at the state fair; and

WHEREAS, energy sustains modern society’s complex systems including patient care, air traffic control, and industrial processes; and following a powerful storm, restoring energy supplies is the first step to returning normalcy to our homes and communities; and

WHEREAS, energy-related industries provide careers to tens of thousands of residents ranging from lineworkers to engineers, customer service representatives to accountants, chemists to environmentalists, power plant operators to executives – all valued and all essential; and

WHEREAS, energy-related industries need new workers to provide a bridge into the future, replacing retiring workers and maintaining a highly skilled and talented workforce to meet the new challenges of a growing economy; and

WHEREAS, through strategic partnerships, the Carolinas Energy Workforce Consortium strives to promote a unified and results-oriented effort to ensure residents find rewarding careers in energy so that North Carolina can continue to grow in prosperity;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October 17 – 21, 2022, as “CAREERS IN ENERGY WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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