WHEREAS, the basis for the wellbeing of any society is education; and in the great state of North Carolina the education of our youth is a priority; and

WHEREAS, in order to achieve its highest goals, education must not only impart knowledge but also teach students how to live, forming and strengthening their moral character to make a better life for themselves as individuals and for society as a whole; imparting moral and ethical values that are the bedrock of society; and

WHEREAS, a global spiritual leader and leading advocate for the advancement of education, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, stressed that a moral and ethical education empowers every individual to develop their full potential in making the world a better place; and

WHEREAS, such an education can nurture the unity of diverse peoples through encouraging increased acts of goodness and kindness, imbued with the awareness that even a single positive act of an individual can change the world and usher in an era of global peace, when there will "be peace within your walls, serenity within your mansions" (Psalms 122); and

WHEREAS, Education & Sharing Day is observed each year on the Rebbe's birthday in recognition of his outstanding and lasting contributions toward the improvement of education, morality, and acts of charity around the world; it is a day to pause and reflect on our responsibility to ensure our youth have the foundation necessary to lead lives rich in purpose and fulfillment through service and good works; and

WHEREAS, April 2, 2023, will mark 121 years since the Rebbe’s birth, capping a year in which thousands of new institutions and initiatives were launched throughout the world in tribute to this celebration; and

WHEREAS, this year has an added significance as a year of "Hakhel," a biblical event of unity, education and spiritual growth emphasizing how every person is crucial to perfecting the world;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim April 2, 2023, as “EDUCATION AND SHARING DAY” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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