WHEREAS, home care, hospice, and palliative services provide for an individual’s health and social needs across the continuum of life, serving expectant mothers, infants, children, adults, individuals with disabilities, and elderly, while providing love, comfort, and support at the end of life; and 

WHEREAS, this year’s Home Care, Hospice, and Palliative Care Month pays tribute to the home care, hospice, and palliative care workforce, serving our state’s most vulnerable population, including through the challenging COVID-19 pandemic; and 

WHEREAS, according to the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina, home care, hospice, and palliative care agencies helped meet the health and social needs of approximately 500,000 North Carolina residents last year in their homes; and 

WHEREAS, home care, hospice, and palliative care services enable North Carolinians to receive quality health and social services in their own homes, surrounded by family and friends; and 

WHEREAS, home care, hospice, and palliative care services strengthen the family bond and support families as they care for their loved ones at home, lessening caregiver burnout and unnecessary placement in more costly institutional settings; and 

WHEREAS, home care, hospice, and palliative care services build upon a strong tradition of compassion and strive to keep families together while preserving an individual’s independence and dignity in the comfort of their own home; and 

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina acknowledges the many challenges facing the current home care, hospice, and palliative care workforce and expresses its gratitude to those working in and for this care industry; and 

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina encourages people to learn more about options of care and share their wishes with family, loved ones, and health care professionals;  


NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim November, 2022, as “HOME CARE, HOSPICE, AND PALLIATIVE CARE MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens. 

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