WHEREAS, as stated in Session Law 2006-184, the State of North Carolina recognizes that public confidence in the justice system is strengthened by thorough and timely inquiry into claims of factual innocence; and

WHEREAS, the Innocence Inquiry Commission was established in 2006 to investigate and determine credible claims of factual innocence in North Carolina as codified in Article 92 of the North Carolina General Statutes; and

WHEREAS, the Innocence Inquiry Commission is a neutral, fact-finding state agency; and

WHEREAS, 2022 marks 15 years of operation for the Innocence Inquiry Commission, during which time it has received more than 3,100 claims of actual innocence and reviewed and closed over 3,000 of those cases; and

WHEREAS, through the work of the Innocence Inquiry Commission, 15 individuals have been exonerated by a post-Commission three-judge panel or had their convictions vacated through a Motion for Appropriate Relief, and been granted a pardon of innocence by the governor based on the Commission’s investigation of their claim; and

WHEREAS, the Commission continues to fulfill its purpose of ensuring the innocent as well as the guilty receive justice, as stated in Session Law 2006-184;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October 24 – 28, 2022, as “INNOCENCE INQUIRY COMMISSION WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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