WHEREAS, the Compost Research & Education Foundation, along with Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries have declared the first full week of May to be the annual International Compost Awareness Week; and

WHEREAS, composting returns organic resources to the soil, promotes water conservation during extreme drought or flooding conditions, reduces water consumption and non-point pollution, stores carbon in soils reducing climate impacts, and is a proven method of decreasing the dependence on chemical fertilizers and decreasing erosion; and

WHEREAS, composting is an effective method where organic materials make up approximately 30% of the material going to landfills, and has become one of the primary methods communities use to reach waste diversion goals; and

WHEREAS, materials such as yard trimmings, vegetable cuttings, biosolids, food scraps, manures, and hay shavings are all composted and converted into compost; and

WHEREAS, composting creates green jobs and infrastructure for cities and states who implement composting programs; and

WHEREAS, this year’s theme “Recipe for Regeneration: Compost” highlights the overall regenerative agriculture movement and how compost and organics recycling fit into that process; regenerative agriculture is a system that focuses on improving soil health using agricultural practices with the idea that healthier soil will lead to healthier, more nutrient-rich crops, and ultimately, less carbon in the atmosphere through increased carbon sequestration; and

WHEREAS, the 2022 theme empowers everyone to recognize and promote the importance of composting and the use of compost in growing healthier foods, supporting healthier soils, mitigating climate change and, ultimately, creating a more just and sustainable world;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 1-7, 2022, as “INTERNATIONAL COMPOST AWARENESS WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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