Public School Emergency
We need to put a moratorium on destructive private school vouchers until North Carolina’s public schools are fully funded. Learn more here.
WHEREAS, North Carolina's juvenile justice system provides public safety intervention for children and youth ages 10 through 17 who are alleged or found to have committed an undisciplined or delinquent offense in the state of North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, within the Department of Public Safety, is committed to reducing and preventing juvenile wrongdoing by intervening, educating, and treating at-risk and justice-involved youth, strengthening families and increasing public safety; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Strategy of North Carolina's juvenile justice system allows for graduated therapeutic responses based on a youth's seriousness of risk, behavior, or crime, including history of offending, and presence or absence of family or support systems within the local community; and
WHEREAS, juvenile justice staff provide many services to youth and families, including courtroom and case management services, risk and needs assessments, referral to community programming, operation of secure custody facilities, medical, clinical, and mental health services, and educational, vocational, and life skills development; and
WHEREAS, during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the dedication and hard work of these Juvenile Justice professionals and community partners aided in decreasing the juvenile crime rate in North Carolina to 11.16 per every 1,000 children under age 16, which is by far the lowest recorded rate since tracking juvenile data began in North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina recognizes Juvenile Justice Week to encourage public understanding of our juvenile justice system, and to commend the Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, law enforcement partners, advocacy organizations, and all who work with children and adolescents in our juvenile justice system and their families, crime victims, and communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October 23 – 29, 2022, as “JUVENILE JUSTICE WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.