WHEREAS, Law Day is an occasion to acknowledge and celebrate our nation’s and state’s heritage of justice, liberty, and equality under the law; and

WHEREAS, the United States Congress has statutorily designated May 1 as the annual day for the commemoration of Law Day; and

WHEREAS, the American Bar Association has designated the 2023 Law Day theme to be Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration; and

WHEREAS, our society must collaborate to overcome our differences, resolve disputes, and preserve our democracy and republic; and

WHEREAS, the preservation of our constitutional democracy is not self-executing, and we the people must continually act to ensure that all residents have a voice and equal access to participate in the democratic process; and

WHEREAS, promoting civics, civility, and collaboration is the cornerstone of our democracy for the people of the United States and of North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Bar Association, with approximately 16,613 members, including 4,674 members of its Young Lawyers Division, encourages North Carolina students in grades K through twelve to participate in law-related competitions held in conjunction with its annual Law Day Celebration; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina and the United States are better places to live because of our strong commitment to, and tradition of, liberty and justice, and because of the contributions of dedicated members of the legal profession; this year proudly marks the 65th observance of Law Day;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 5, 2023, as “LAW DAY” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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