WHEREAS, individuals, groups, and long-term care facilities across the country are celebrating October as Residents’ Rights Month with the theme Amplify Our Voices to emphasize a community of long-term care residents coming together to make their voices heard; and

WHEREAS, the observance points to the importance of quality in all aspects of residents’ experiences –  quality of care, quality of life, quality of service provision, and the right to make quality choices; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 guarantees residents their individual rights in order to promote and maintain their dignity, autonomy, and individuality; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation to protect the rights of residents in nursing homes through the Patients’ Bill of Rights, and those in adult care homes through the Residents’ Bill of Rights; and

WHEREAS, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program was created under the Federal Older Americans Act and by the General Assembly to ensure residents in facilities are afforded the same considerations and opportunities to exercise their basic freedoms that individuals in the community take for granted; and

WHEREAS, a concerned individual can be an effective advocate for a single resident; the work of over 500 volunteer Community Advisory Committee members, appointed by local boards of county commissioners, are making a significant difference in the lives of residents in care facilities statewide; and

WHEREAS, there are approximately 50,000 individuals living in nursing homes and 41,000 individuals living in adult care facilities in North Carolina, all of whom should be informed of their rights so they may be empowered to live with dignity and self-determination;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October, 2023, as “LONG-TERM CARE RESIDENTS’ RIGHTS MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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