WHEREAS, North Carolina is home to over 52,982 spouses of active-duty soldiers, and over 11,484 spouses of Reserve soldiers, and

WHEREAS, the spouses and families of our servicemen and women sacrifice along with their loved ones to help protect the freedoms we enjoy, and

WHEREAS, some of the bravest souls are the spouses of our military members, who remain steadfast, raising their families and maintaining their homes while their loved ones defend our nation’s values against our adversaries, and

WHEREAS, North Carolina is the most military friendly state in the nation, offering spouse employment preference to the spouse or dependent of a deceased or disabled veteran, and the NC Legislature has worked diligently to expedite occupational licensure for military trained and military spouses, and

WHEREAS, North Carolina recognizes the selflessness of these military spouses and the debt of gratitude we owe for their leadership in our communities, and

WHEREAS, the success of many of our brave service members depends on the support of their military spouses whose resolve, sacrifice, and dedication exhibit the best of what it means to be a North Carolinian;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 6, 2022, as “MILITARY SPOUSE APPRECIATION DAY” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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