WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association this year celebrates 100 years of service to sheriffs and their personnel in all 100 counties across the State of North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association serves as the statewide voice to protect, promote, preserve, and enhance the Office of Sheriff in North Carolina through education, training, and legislative initiatives that increase public safety and protect the rights of the people of North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association operates to help sheriffs combat crime and juvenile delinquency, support communities, and educate the public on subjects including law enforcement, public safety and crime prevention; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association, in furtherance of its mission, offers three conferences a year to all sheriffs where training is provided related to new laws and emerging issues important to law enforcement; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association offers additional training to sheriffs and sheriffs’ office personnel on sex offender registration, firearms laws, the Statewide Misdemeanant Confinement Program, and legislative updates as well as multi-week Leadership Institutes for sheriffs and jail administrators; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association helps save taxpayer dollars in incarceration and inmate medical expenses, allowing sentenced misdemeanants to serve sentences in county jails at a reduced daily rate; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association has more than 40,000 honorary members who assist in making possible the Association’s efforts to enhance public safety across all of their communities;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim July 26, 2022, as “NORTH CAROLINA SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION DAY” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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