WHEREAS, in 2017, the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution declared the second Thursday of October as Ombuds Day to recognize the value of providing informal and confidential channels for addressing organizational and workplace issues; and

WHEREAS, the 2022 Ombuds Day theme is Respect, Resilience, and Resolve; and

WHEREAS, ombuds, also referred to as ombudspersons or ombudsmen, are confidential, independent, and impartial conflict management professionals who work to address individual and systemic issues outside of and complementary to formal channels such as human resources, grievances, complaints, and legal action; and

WHEREAS, ombuds work in a wide variety of organizations within the State of North Carolina including universities, governmental agencies, private enterprises, and more; and

WHEREAS, these professionals utilize various resolution methods and provide powerful risk management resources for the institutions they serve; and

WHEREAS, during these difficult times, when many people are facing unprecedented and complicated challenges, the role of ombuds is more valuable than ever; and

WHEREAS, recognition of this day is an opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of the profession, highlight the value of ombuds, and encourage the use of ombuds programs; and

WHEREAS, the people of North Carolina are encouraged to learn more about the ombuds profession and to make use of these essential services as needed;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim October 13, 2022, as “OMBUDS DAY” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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