WHEREAS, North Carolinians are known for being welcoming to newcomers; North Carolina has a proud history of welcoming refugees by offering a safe and thriving environment to people and families seeking a new beginning, including 8,337 people resettled during 2022-2023; and

WHEREAS, millions of refugees from many backgrounds, faiths and countries of origin face life or death decisions to flee their homes for shelter and protection; in many cases, refugees find that neighboring countries have closed their borders to new arrivals or cannot offer them safety from violence; and

WHEREAS, resettlement provides a safe haven when refugees cannot return home and cannot rebuild their lives in the country where they first fled because their life, liberty, safety, health, or fundamental human rights are at risk; and

WHEREAS, welcoming the oppressed and persecuted has long been a core American value; resettlement to the United States is available only for those refugees who demonstrate the greatest and most immediate need for protection; eligible refugees are resettled in the U.S. only after a rigorous selection, security and medical screening process; and

WHEREAS, organizations responsible for resettling refugees in our communities, as well as numerous other faith-based groups, nonprofits, and other community organizations in North Carolina, have declared their support for welcoming refugees in cities and towns throughout our state; and

WHEREAS, refugees contribute to the U.S. economy as employees, taxpayers and business creators; according to a study by the American Immigration Council, in 2019 2.4 million refugees generated $93.6 billion in household income and 188,000 refugee entrepreneurs (representing 13 percent of refugees in the workforce) generated $5.1 billion in business income; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina has opened its arms to welcome nearly 2,000 Afghans, many of whom worked with U.S. troops abroad, and nearly 2,000 Ukrainians fleeing the ongoing conflict in their home country, with support and resettlement resources; other refugees who cannot return to their country of origin have also found a welcoming home in our state; and

WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina encourages residents to commemorate World Refugee Day during the week of June 20, 2024 by participating in local events and by expanding their knowledge of refugees, as well as the global issues and conflicts that bring them to our communities;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim June 20 – 26, 2024, as “REFUGEES WELCOME WEEK” in North Carolina, commend its observance, and encourages its.


Roy Cooper


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina at the Capitol in Raleigh this nineteenth day of June in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-four and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.

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