Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cooper Counsel: Senate Hearings Violate Court Order

<p>In a letter today, the Governor&rsquo;s Office informed Senate Rules Chairman Bill Rabon that the Senate&rsquo;s announced plan for cabinet confirmation hearings violates a court order issued last week.&nbsp;</p>
Feb 21, 2017

In a letter today, the Governor’s Office informed Senate Rules Chairman Bill Rabon that the Senate’s announced plan for cabinet confirmation hearings violates a court order issued last week. The letter can be read here.

While pressing matters such as repealing HB2 and raising teacher pay linger, Senate leaders have announced plans to rush to conduct hearings before a March 7th court date that will decide whether such a requirement violates the North Carolina Constitution.

A three-judge panel stated last week that the Senate cannot begin a confirmation process before Governor Cooper formally submits his cabinet to the legislature. Governor Cooper has until May 15th to submit his appointees, well after the March 7th hearing.

“The Court will decide whether or not the legislature’s actions are constitutional. Until then, Governor Cooper hopes Senate Republicans will put aside the political theater and work to find common ground on issues that matter to North Carolinians like raising teacher pay, helping communities recover from Hurricane Matthew and repealing HB 2,” said spokesman Ford Porter.

To read a copy of the letter, click here