Jul 11, 2019
Governor Cooper signed the following bills into law:
- Senate Bill 191: Out of State Law Enforcement / 2020 RNC
- Senate Bill 220: Removal of Political Signs by Citizens
- Senate Bill 311: Massage Board Membership
- Senate Bill 355: Land Use Regulatory Changes
- Senate Bill: 378: Local Econ. Dev. Modifications
- Senate Bill 394: Changes to Estates and Trusts Statute
- Senate Bill 399: Rehire High Need Teachers
- Senate Bill 525: Textile Historic Site
- Senate Bill 594: Register of Deeds Updates
- House Bill 224: Assault w/ Firearm on LEO/Increase punishment
- House Bill 500: Modify Advanced Math Course Enrollment
- House Bill 257: Motorcycles/Face Masks
Gov. Cooper shared the following comment on Senate Bill 399:
"We desperately need more good teachers and getting retired veteran teachers to go back into the classroom is helpful. But the best way to have a good teacher in every classroom is better teacher pay and more investment in education instead of corporate tax cuts."