Friday, February 9, 2018

Governors Office on Legislative Republicans ACP Hypocrisy

Feb 9, 2018

Ford Porter, spokesperson for Governor Cooper, released the following statement today on legislative Republicans ACP hypocrisy: 

"Legislative Republicans have set a new low for partisan hypocrisy this week. Nearly every Republican legislator claims to support the Atlantic Coast Pipeline yet they wanted to stop counties in its path from getting resources to ensure this project is a success.

While meeting our energy needs, it is vital that we take steps to grow the economy and protect our environment in the counties this pipeline will cross. The ACP has provided similar funds in Virginia and engaged in negotiations with all three states where construction is to occur.

It was intended that decisions about the distribution of the fund would be made by experts through an open and transparent application process for government entities and qualified non-profits. The Rural Infrastructure Authority and the Clean Water Management Trust Fund are examples of two places that could fulfill those goals and distribute the funds.

This is a good thing for our state. For Republican legislators to hijack this mitigation fund in favor of partisan political attacks is shameful and hurts eastern North Carolina."