Press Releases

Governor Cooper today announced the completion of the 2019 Status of Women in North Carolina: Health and Wellness Report, released by the NC Department of Administration’s Council for Women and Youth Involvement.

In a roundtable discussion with Governor Cooper and Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen, business leaders made the economic case for closing the health care coverage gap in North Carolina.

Governor Roy Cooper met with childcare teachers at Noah’s Ark Children’s Center in Wilmington. In a roundtable discussion, teachers shared that too many of their colleagues are suffering from preventable diseases because they do not have access to health insurance. 

In a roundtable discussion with Governor Roy Cooper and Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen, parents shared the pain of losing children to the opioid epidemic and urged lawmakers to expand Medicaid to provide access to treatment. 

Today, at the opening of the 2019 Opioid Summit, Governor Roy Cooper highlighted the state’s progress in addressing the opioid epidemic over the last two years and launched the updated Opioid Action Plan 2.0 to continue to combat this issue in North Carolina.

In a series of events and releases this week, Governor Cooper will encourage North Carolinians to continue to work together to combat the opioid crisis and update the state on progress made since he launched the Opioid Action Plan in 2017.

To support healthy families and strengthen our economy, Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order No. 95, extending paid parental leave to state employees in cabinet agencies. 

In a round table discussion with Governor Roy Cooper and Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen, early childhood professionals from across North Carolina shared stories of how the health care coverage gap is negatively affecting their colleagues. 

Obstetricians and pediatricians from across North Carolina shared with Governor Roy Cooper and Secretary Mandy Cohen of the Department of Health and Human Services the urgency to close the health care coverage gap in North Carolina. The roundtable meeting focused on how Medicaid expansion can help reduce the rate of infant mortality and preterm and low weight births.

As the debate over Medicaid expansion continues, it is vital to have an understanding of the real impact of closing North Carolina’s health coverage gap and to dispel false allegations and misinformation.