Friday, August 16, 2019

What is the General Assembly Doing 39 Days Later? Racking up a big taxpayer funded tab to try and make a political point

Aug 16, 2019

The Winston-Salem Journal reports that the cost of Republican inaction on budget negotiations has now passed the $1 million mark. Governor Roy Cooper and Democratic legislators sent Republicans a compromise offer 39 days ago, but instead of responding to that offer to move negotiations forward, Republicans continue to spend their time and efforts trying to override the Governor’s veto. 

Not only could Republican leaders have used that time to engage in honest budget negotiations, but the legislature could have been at work on gun safety reform or protecting clean drinking water. Instead, from the Winston-Salem Journal story:

This week, the House held four sessions, with a combined time of less than an hour. There was one bill vote, representing final approval given Monday to House changes on clearinghouse health-care legislation, Senate Bill 361.

On Thursday, three minutes were spent in a declared non-voting session that technically could have held a vote on the veto override.

Moore told House members in an email Wednesday that “for your planning purposes, there will be no 2nd or 3rd reading of recorded votes tomorrow.”

However, because the veto override does not require a second or third reading, House Democrats had to be present in case a vote is brought up.

Political power games and scheduling trickery don’t get North Carolina closer to a budget consensus.

Where is the Republican counteroffer and when will they be ready to compromise?