WHEREAS, organ, eye, and tissue donations are life-giving acts of compassion to those in need; and


WHEREAS, more than 109,000 individuals nationwide and more than 3,000 in North Carolina arecurrently on the national transplant waiting list; approximately 22 people die each day while waiting for a transplant; and


WHEREAS, an average of 95 transplants take place every day in the United States but another person is added to the waiting list every 10 minutes; and


WHEREAS, a donation can save the lives of 8 people and heal 75 or more transplant recipients; and


WHEREAS, providing facts and dispelling myths are key to helping people make informed decisions about becoming donors and increasing the number of people who sign up as donors; and


WHEREAS, more than 5 million North Carolinians have signed up with the state authorized Donate Life North Carolina registry; and


WHEREAS, North Carolinians can personally authorize their donation when applying for or renewing their licenses or ID cards at the Department of Motor Vehicles, online at donatelifenc.org/register, or through a paper form; and


WHEREAS, National Donate Life Month was instituted by Donate Life America and its partnership organizations in 2003 and is recognized annually to raise awareness and promote a greater understanding about the life-saving benefits of organ, eye, and tissue donation and to help celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of donation; and


WHEREAS, health care professionals, volunteers, educators, government agencies, faith-based and community groups, and private organizations can advocate to boost the number of organ, eye, and tissue donors throughout North Carolina; and


WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is committed to supporting all people in leading healthy, productive, and successful lives, and encourages residents to consider giving the precious gift of life by becoming registered organ, eye, and tissue donors;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim April, 2021, as “DONATE LIFE MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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