WHEREAS, for millions of Americans, boating continues to be a popular recreational activity; from coast to coast, people enjoy time together boating, sailing, paddling, and fishing; and


WHEREAS, during National Safe Boating Week, the United States Coast Guard and its federal, state, and local safe boating partners encourage all boaters to explore and enjoy America’s beautiful waters responsibly; and


WHEREAS, on average, roughly 600 people die each year in boating-related accidents in the United States, and 79 percent of these fatalities are caused by drowning; and


WHEREAS, a significant number of boaters who lose their lives by drowning each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets; the Coast Guard estimates that life jackets could prevent nearly 85 percent of boating fatalities; and


WHEREAS, safe boating begins with preparation; the Coast Guard estimates that human error or poor judgment – rather than boat, equipment, or environmental factors – account for 70 percent of all boating accidents; and


WHEREAS, basic boating safety procedures – carrying lifesaving emergency distress and communications equipment, wearing life jackets, attending safe boating courses, participating in free boat safety checks, and staying sober when navigating – can help ensure that boaters on America’s coastal, inland, and offshore waters stay safe; and


WHEREAS, National Safe Boating Week is observed to bring attention to important lifesaving tips for recreational boaters so that they can have a safer, more fun experience out on the water throughout the year;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 22 – 28, 2021, as “NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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