WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina values the wisdom, experience, and contributions of older Americans who enrich and strengthen our communities, in part through their passion for improving opportunities for future generations; and


WHEREAS, North Carolina continues to be listed as one the best states for retired people to live, and is estimated to have more residents above the age of 60 than under the age of 17; we rank ninth in the nation for number of residents aged 65 and over; and

WHEREAS, the Administration on Aging has designated the 2021 theme for Older Americans Month as Communities of Strength, recognizing older adults and the people who support them as essential contributors to the strength of our communities; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina, through the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging, promotes the awareness of issues surrounding aging and advocates programs for aging members of our communities; and


WHEREAS, the Division of Aging and Adult Services is committed to monitoring and assessing aging services programs funding through the Older Americans Act and State Allocations, and providing training on the various needs of an evolving aging community; and


WHEREAS, older adults in North Carolina are an increasingly diverse population that is involved in every aspect of society, including the workforce, educational system, and political structures; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina benefits when people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds are included and encouraged to share their successes and stories of resilience; and


WHEREAS, all people can participate in enriching the lives of individuals at every age by promoting home- and community-based services that support independent living; involving older adults in community planning, events, and other activities; and providing opportunities for older adults to work, volunteer, learn, lead, and mentor; and


WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is committed to engaging and supporting older adults, their families, and caregivers; to protecting and safeguarding the rights of older and aging individuals in our state; and to preventing discrimination, abuse, neglect, and exploitation;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim May, 2021, as “OLDER AMERICANS MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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