WHEREAS, the social work profession has worked for generations to strengthen the well-being and meet the basic needs of all people, especially those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and/or living in poverty; and


WHEREAS, the social work profession is a diverse profession that allows people of every generation, ethnicity, sexual identity, and religious background to make an immediate positive impact on our state and nation; and


WHEREAS, social workers elevate and empower people, giving them the ability to solve problems, cope with personal roadblocks, and acquire the resources they need to succeed; and


WHEREAS, the social work profession is one of the fastest growing professional industries in the United States, with nearly 800,000 people expected to be employed as social workers by 2028; and


WHEREAS, social workers are active in government, schools, universities, social service agencies, communities, corporations, the military, and health and mental health care settings across North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, social workers have played a crucial role in our nation’s response to COVID-19, helping individuals, families, and communities cope with the wide-ranging effects of the pandemic; and


WHEREAS, this year’s Social Work Month theme, Social Workers are Essential embodies the heroic contributions of the social work profession to our nation, including the work social workers have done to heal our nation during these turbulent and uncertain times; and


WHEREAS, for decades, social workers have advocated rights for people of all races, genders, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, and sexualities; and


WHEREAS, the social work profession has contributed to advancements in our society over the past century, including voting rights, improved workplace safety, minimum wage, and social safety net programs that help to ameliorate poverty and hunger; and


WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina commends social workers throughout our state and nation for their contributions to our communities, and for their dedication to improving quality of life for all people;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim March, 2021, as “SOCIAL WORK MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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