WHEREAS, Trisomy Awareness Month is observed to encourage residents to increase their awareness of trisomy, a genetic disorder that deeply affects individuals and their families; and


WHEREAS, while most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes in most or all of their cells, those with a trisomy condition yield a third chromosome among one of the usual pairs; as a type of aneuploidy, trisomy can occur within any of the 23 pairs of chromosomes; and


WHEREAS, an extra chromosome can cause a variety of health problems ranging from mild intellectual and developmental disability to severe physical problems; and


WHEREAS, the most common trisomies in newborns are trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome); and


WHEREAS, local support groups, medical professionals, and online communities offer education, encouragement, and counseling for those managing trisomy pregnancies or raising trisomy-affected children; and


WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina encourages residents to educate themselves on all forms of trisomy, support families currently experiencing trisomy, and participate in helping people with developmental disabilities achieve their full potential;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim March, 2021, as “TRISOMY AWARENESS MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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