WHEREAS, arts education, including dance, media arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, is an essential element of a complete and well-rounded education for all students; and

WHEREAS, arts education enables students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, imagination and creativity, discipline and collaboration, alternative ways to communicate and express feelings and ideas, and cross-cultural understanding, which support personalized pathways to academic success across the curriculum; and

HEREAS, arts education contributes to increased attendance and graduation rates, elevates academic achievement, and prepares students for college, career, and citizenship readiness; and

WHEREAS, arts education contributes to personal growth outside of the classroom, including increasing a student’s likelihood to participate in civic life, volunteerism, altruism, and community engagement; and

WHEREAS, to succeed in today’s economy, students must masterfully develop traits that business leaders demand in a 21st century workforce such as communicating through words, images, sounds, and movement; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina supports statewide partnerships and cross-sector collaboration to promote and advance comprehensive arts education for North Carolina school children, including arts education, arts integration, and arts exposure; and

WHEREAS, the arts are an integral part of life in our state and are essential to a complete education, which contributes to the vibrancy and vitality of communities and the nation; and

WHEREAS, our public schools are charged with the education and development of well-rounded students;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim September 10 – 16, 2023, as “ARTS IN EDUCATION WEEK” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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