WHEREAS, the purchasing, acquisition, procurement, and materials management professions have a significant role in the quality and efficiency of business and government throughout the United States; and

WHEREAS, professionals in the purchasing, acquisitions, procurement, and materials management fields are employed in private and public sectors as well as in for-profit and non-profit organizations; and

WHEREAS, public procurement is an essential function of state government, providing for the purchase of goods and services necessary for the safe and effective operations of the state, including purchases for education, health and human services, transportation, administration, and others; and

WHEREAS, purchasing professionals have direct responsibility for purchasing goods and services; executing and implementing contracts; developing forecasts and procurement strategies; supervising and monitoring storage of materials; and developing working relationships with suppliers, departments, agencies, and organizations; and

WHEREAS, procurement professionals make important contributions to assure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars by providing efficient service while maintaining the highest ethical standards to ensure open, fair, and transparent purchasing activities; and

WHEREAS, local, state, and federal purchasing professionals are responsible for managing and monitoring billions of dollars in goods and services every year, which directly influence the national and international economy; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Association of Governmental Purchasing, the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, the North Carolina Department of Administration’s Division of Purchase & Contract, and other associations around the world are sponsoring activities and other special events to further educate and inform the public regarding the role of purchasing;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROY COOPER, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim March, 2023, as “PROCUREMENT MONTH” in North Carolina, and commend its observance to all citizens.

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