Request a Proclamation
A proclamation is an official document issued by the Governor to commemorate a specific time period (ex. day, week, or month). It brings recognition, awareness, or appreciation to an issue, cause, milestone, or noteworthy event that is relevant and important to North Carolina. Proclamations are strictly honorary and not legally binding.
We currently require that all requests for proclamations must be received at least 120 days before the event date. Thank you for your understanding.
Upon completion of request, you should receive a confirmation email. If no confirmation is received to your email, your request did not get submitted to our office.
Please note: Proclamations will not be issued for individuals, birthdays, retirements, weddings, anniversaries, church events, conferences, meetings, or businesses – you may request a letter for these occasions.
Please consider the following information before submitting a proclamation request. The Office of the Governor reserves the right to decline any request or make exceptions to these guidelines:
- All requests are processed based on the date that is being proclaimed. Requests must be made at least 120 days and no more than six months in advance of the proclaimed date.
- Governor’s proclamations must affect a broad group of people, preferably statewide but at least regionally. Local (city or county) proclamations can be issued at the discretion of local officials.
- Proclamations will not be repeated within a calendar year. Requests that are considered redundant will be declined, and a copy of the original proclamation may be provided instead. Organizations and individuals are encouraged to request proclamations that coincide with the national or state-designated dates.
- Proclamations may not be used for advertisement or commercial promotion.
- Issuance of a proclamation does not indicate or imply a policy endorsement from the Governor’s Office.
- Any draft language provided may be edited or rewritten at the discretion of the Governor’s Office. Draft language submitted should be factually accurate and include up-to-date information.
- Proclamations will be delivered no more than two weeks in advance of the proclamation date.
- Requests for proclamations are not renewed annually and must be submitted each year. Proclamations are issued only upon request, so if a proclamation is important to you or your organization, please request it.
All requests for the Governor to attend an event must be submitted as a Scheduling Request. Please do not include inquiries regarding scheduling in your proclamation request.
Please complete the Proclamation Request Form, including a working telephone number where you can be reached for possible questions or clarification regarding the information you have provided.
To follow up on a proclamation request, you can reach us at 919-814-2000 or via email at